How to Tell When It's Time for a New Bra

Do you think it might be time to replace your favorite bra? Saying goodbye isn’t easy... especially to your favorite lingerie that fits like a dream. But even the perfect bra won’t last a lifetime. Bras are even more sensitive to wear and tear than other clothing items. Good lingerie tends to be worn often and washed often. So how do you know whether your bra needs replacing?

Good lingerie should feel like a second skin. If your bra no longer fits comfortably or if your straps won’t stay put, it's time for a new one. If you long for the moment you can get home and take off your bra, you’re definitely ready for an upgrade.

Underwire poke and thinning fabric are two more signs that your bra has seen better days. Buying a bra with good support, is the best way to prevent back pain and poor posture. Good posture is not only better for your body, it’s also a great way to boost your self-confidence! Win-win!

Discomfort is another clear sign that your bra has seen better days. But that’s not the only reason to replace a bra – everyday wear and tear can also prompt an upgrade. Like clothes, the more often your wear and wash a bra, the faster you’ll have to replace it. If you follow the care instructions, a good bra can last for years. European bras are made from high-quality, sustainable materials, and should be your first choice for everyday wear.

Over time, your body changes and so do your breasts. If you recently gained or lost weight, your cup size probably changed along with the rest of your body. Wearing a bra that’s too big or too small is not a good idea. Not only is poor-fitting lingerie unflattering, it doesn't give your body the support it needs. To prevent back and neck pain, loss of breast firmness, and other fit-related issues, it’s important to wear the right bra size.

If you think your size may have changed, stop by Lingerie République for advice. We would be happy to help you find the perfect fit and style for your everyday basics.